The inner query accesses the "upcoming. country" data table to retrieve the numeric ID corresponding to the country string entered by the user. 内部查询访问“”数据表以便检索与用户输入的国家/地区字符串相对应的数字ID。
Numeric values can be formatted with a format string as shown in the example. 可以使用下面示例中所示的格式字符串格式化数值。
Hence the final result would be a node-set containing two value elements named& USPrice, where both hold a numeric value in the form of a string literal. 因此,最终结果应该是一个包含两个值元素named-USPrice的节点集,这两个元素都存有字符串参数形式的数值。
For some functions, a numeric value is input, for example start, length, and offset parameters of string functions. 一些函数的输入是数值,比如字符串函数的起始、长度和偏移量参数。
One solution is to add a$ CacheValid field to the document, and set the value of the field to a numeric text string, N. 解决办法之一是给文档添加一个$CacheValid字段,并将字段的值设置为数字文本字符串N。
That a Person's age is a numeric field and cannot be compared against a String. 的签名和Person.age的类型可以确定Person的age属性是一个数字字段,不能与String进行比较。
The generated hash value is numeric, and I use this value as single index key for the string being indexed. 生成的hash值是数值型的,我使用这个值作为被索引的字符串的索引键。
However, if the column is a character data type and contains only numeric characters, you can indicate this by setting the NUMERIC_STRING option to'Y. ' 然而,如果列是字符数据类型,并且只包含数字字符,那么可以通过将NUMERICSTRING选项设置为“Y”来表明这一点。
In addition to mapping numeric and byte fields, it also converts string data to the appropriate codepage when the correct codepage for your native language application is selected. 除了映射数字和字节字段,在为您的本地语言应用程序选择了正确的代码页时,它还将字符串数据转换成适当的代码页。
Next, the built-in string() function converts the numeric result back to a string, which the key-mapping's 接下来,内置string()函数将数值结果转换回一个字符串,键映射的
NUMERIC_STRING is another column option that affects performance. NUMERICSTRING是另一个对性能有影响的列选项。
Since Lucene's search is largely text based prior to2.9, Lucene's numeric handling presented a series of string based encodings which operated at full precision. 在2.9版之前,Lucene的查询完全基于文本,因此对于数字的处理则变成了基于字符串的精确编码。
Specifies the unique numeric string that identifies the server session. 指定唯一的数字串来识别服务器会话。
Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string, in the character set used by your computer 返回字符串第一个字符在本机所用字符集中的数字代码
Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string 返回文本串中第一个字符的数字代码
If you are formatting a nonlocalized numeric string, you should use a user-defined numeric format to ensure that you get the look you want. 如果格式化未本地化的数值字符串,则应使用用户定义的数值格式,以确保获得想要的外观。
In VB2.0 and higher version, Variant is a default data type. The Variant is a special data type of Visual Basic that can contain numeric, string, or date data types. A Variant can also contain the special values Empty, Error, and Null. Variant是VB2.0及其以后版本的缺省数据类型,它是VB中的一种特殊的数据类型,可以包含数值、字符串或日期数据,还可以包含特殊数值Empty、Error及Null等。
To ensure the data privacy on remote servers, data decomposition methods and data synthesis methods are provided, which can be applied to numeric and string types of data. 为了保证存储在远程服务器端数据的隐秘性,给出了针对数值类型数据和字符串类型数据的分解方法和数据合成方法。